Why Are Proteins Important For Your Body?

 Why Are Proteins Important For Your Body?

Introduction to Protein

Protein is of huge significance for your health, as they consist of amino acids joined to create long chains. Moreover, protein nutrient is available from different sources, like milk, meat, fish, eggs, soy, legumes, beans and nut butter. When your body digests the protein, it leaves amino acids to give tons of benefits to it.

Why is Protein Essential for Our Body?

Proteins perform varieties of functions for the growth and development of humans. Its major functions include-

  • For Proper Growth and Regular Maintenance

The body of a person requires protein for his/her proper tissues’ growth and regular maintenance. However, the exact protein levels remain in the constant turnover state and accordingly, under regular circumstances, the body breaks down an almost similar amount of protein it uses for building and repairing of tissues. In other instances, it breaks down protein in a relatively higher amount than it exactly creates to boost the body’s requirements.

  • Causes/Promotes Biochemical Reactions

Proteins as enzymes aid in triggering various biochemical reactions both inside and outside of cells. Enzymes structure helps protein to combine with other molecules within the cell referred to as substrates and thereby, catalyze essential reactions related to overall body metabolism. Especially, protein in enzyme form helps in various bodily functions, such as energy production, digestion, clotting of blood and muscular contractions.

  • Acts as an Immunity Booster

Protein acts as an immunity booster, as it helps in the formation of antibodies and/or immunoglobulins to fight with various infections. Antibodies remain present in the form of protein in the human blood and they provide protection from viruses, bacteria, and various other harmful invaders.

  • Transportation and Storage of Nutrients

Protein is helpful in the transfer of various essential nutrients into and out from the body cells. These, include vitamins and minerals, oxygen, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Besides this, proteins come with storage roles and accordingly, you will have ferritin as a storage protein to store iron.

  • Other Benefits of Protein in Humans

Excluding the aforementioned benefits of protein in humans, it is helpful in-

  • Speedy recovery after you perform physical exercises
  • Reduction in muscle loss
  • Formation of lean muscles
  • Maintenance of healthy body weight
  • Curbing your hunger feeling

Harmful Effects of Protein Loss in the Body

If your daily diet does not contain enough protein, you may at the risk related to many health issues in near future.

  • Protein Loss

One of the major harmful effects of protein loss is that it leads to two major types of protein deficiency diseases i.e.

  • Marasmus, in which the protein, as well as overall consumption of calories, remain low
  • Kwashiorkor, which takes place whenever you have protein in excessively low amount but intakes enough calories
  • Edema or Swelling Problems

Whenever your body lacks protein, you suffer from edema or swelling of ankles, feet, and legs. Reason for this is that protein has a prime role to prevent the accumulation of fluid in tissues and hence when you become protein deficient, you suffer from fluid retention and thereby edema.

  • Immunity Loss

Overall immunity of an individual suffers drastically because of protein loss and thereby, he/she becomes sick often or takes a relatively long time for the recovery. Especially, protein loss leads to the problem of plaque psoriasis i.e. a problem related to the immune system. The disease causes the growth of many skin cells and inflammation. Accordingly, cells pile up over the skin surface instead of shedding to form psoriasis plaques. In this situation, one has to undergo a suitable therapy for plaque psoriasis along with the medication of Ilumya. Ilya is an antagonist and hence, it acts by binding to p19 selectively and inhibiting the interaction with IL-23 receptor to block the release of various chemokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

  • Mal-absorption of Essential Nutrients

If you fail to intake enough amount of protein from your daily diet, your body will experience a hard time to absorb various other essential nutrients, like iron, zinc, niacin, and calcium.

  • Muscles and Joint Pain

Muscles pain, joint pain, and muscular weakness are other major adverse effects of protein deficiency. This is because; protein loss leads to break down of joint and muscles fluid to supplement calories rather than using the protein to form cells, muscles, and tissues.

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