How to Protect Your Home against the Weather

How to Protect Your Home against the Weather

A home needs protection from more than just man-made threats. While burglaries and break-ins pose a threat to your home, it isn’t exactly safe from other forms of damage. Harsh weather conditions are one of the greatest enemies to your home, since it can surround, weaken and corrode your home. 

When dealing with internal issues, you can always look through smart gadgets such as types of smoke detectors or better lights for your home. But how does one deal with something they have no control over? 

Fortunately, there are certain things you can do before the extreme weather hits. These precautions will help keep your home safe from being damaged too much, which will result in a much safer and more comfortable home. The following are some tips on protecting your home against bad weather conditions, especially with the winter now approaching.


The best way to prevent weather damage in your home is by keeping the weather out, and there is no better way to do this than by properly insulating your home. To begin, having insulation added to your home’s walls is a good idea. Not only will this trap heat much better inside your home, it can lead to much better functioning of your thermostat. It will consume a lot less power and temperature regulation in your home will become much more efficient. 

It is important to know that insulating the interior of your home won’t always be enough. During the winter, the exterior will also require some extra attention. If water is left inside pipes, they can freeze and burst. Your patio furniture could get ruined, and your garden could get destroyed. These damages can be a great hassle to fix, and may cost you a fortune. Make sure to follow a checklist of everything which must be managed before the season begins.

Switch up the Décor 

One of the easiest yet very effective ways to deal with an uncomfortable interior temperature is by moving certain things around. By changing up the décor, you are allowing the heat flow in your home to change as well. A few examples of this is changing the color palette to something warm-toned during the winter for an overall cozier feel, or using curtains or blinds to keep the heat from direct sunlight out during the summer.

Not only does the heat inside your home escape through the walls and roof, it can even escape through the floor. To avoid this, you can add carpeting to trap the heat inside for a longer time. Even if you don’t want to go through the trouble of covering your entire floor, adding a few thick rugs here and there could help as well. This is an excellent way to prevent unnecessary heat loss, and is another thing which can make the functioning of your thermostat much easier.

Inspect for Leaks

Leaks may be one of the greatest enemies to your home. Whether it is a water or air leak, your home may have to suffer consequences that will have you quite frustrated. 

Heavy rains can very easily lead to damage to your home’s walls and roof. There can be cracks allowing water to seep through, resulting in a weaker home and a ruined paintjob. To avoid this, inspecting your roof occasionally to ensure there are no weak spots may be very helpful. 

Air leaks are one of the major reasons why your home suffers during harsh weather, since your home’s interior is no longer protected against the outside air. Despite having the best thermostat on full blast, you may not be able to experience the comfort you are paying for, all because the outside air tampers with the temperature balance created by your thermostat. Preventing these issues can lead to a much more comfortable home.

Check for Outdoor Damage

As mentioned previously, your home’s exterior requires some extra attention when the weather outside gets harsh. The walls, front door, windows and garden are all areas which need to be monitored for any signs of damage. It is always best to do this before the season begins, so it’s easier for you to spot any weak links and deal with them immediately. 

The entrances to your home may become vulnerable, or even blocked in situations such as snowstorms. Replace the lock and fix any damages you need to before areas like the garage door and backyard become inaccessible. This will make them strong enough to get through the season without letting any harm come to your home. Getting a smart lock or upgrading your garage door opener can also be helpful in this situation, since you would be able to monitor the activity around your home much better, even without direct access to those areas.


Thunderstorms, snowstorms or the scorching heat – all of these are not conditions you would like to go out in. Your home is meant to protect you from whatever is going on outside, but it cannot do this when its foundation is weak. The first thing you must do is ensure that you can get through the season with maximum comfort, as well as no stress regarding your home’s safety. Once you take the mentioned precautions, you will be able to enjoy the benefits once you are able to go outdoors again. Your home will be in perfect condition, which is always a cause of relief for any homeowner.

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