7 best tips for a successful account on Instagram For Beginners:

7 best tips for a successful account on Instagram For Beginners:

Undertaking a successful account in one of the most competitive social networks on the planet is not an easy task, but neither is it impossible. With some effort and some tips for beginners to Instagram, we can succeed where so many fails.First of all, we must clearly establish our goals and see if what we are about to undertake is really something that should be on Instagram.

Do not forget that this social network named as Instagram was born as a way to captivate professional photographers and, unlike Twitter and Facebook, the interaction in this social network is much more limited and sometimes null. It follows that if we are trying to generate permanent feedback with our followers, it may not be the best place.

Taking into account the genesis of this social network, we will aim, among other aspects, to seduce from the visual. Of course, for that, we must have some basic notions of photography, which we can review every time we are thinking of a photo, and then do it almost mechanically. In the same line goes the empathy with the follower, since it is useless to have a perfect photograph if it does not say anything to the person who is watching it. In this we will show you some tips for beginners to Instagram, If you need a successful account then follow all tips that are given below.

Tip 1: Short Bio But Informative:

First of all, it is necessary to remember that our website must be mentioned somewhere in the text, preferably at the end as a snapshot of a synthetic introduction and “at the bottom”.

As we previously warned, for long descriptions, endless forum fights about political opinions, links, and other things are the other social networks, Instagram is for photos, videos, with brief descriptions and clear information.

Tip 2: Be Consistent:

It is a golden rule in terms of content, the changes are good, but only if they are carried forward gradually and always maintaining the principles of the account. For example, we cannot pretend to open an account with a humorous tone and then pass it to landscape photography because it will be out of place with our audience.

Another key in this aspect is to have consistency in terms of the amount of post we perform per week. It does not help to publish something sporadically and then spend several days with nothing. Nor is it a matter of forcing a photo or idea, it has to be natural.

Tip 3: Monitor Progress:

It is a good tool not to lose your way, both the insights and Instagram statistics or the COOL-TABS site will be very useful for this function. Knowing the preferences of our followers we will find what content best suits their tastes and follow that path.

Tip 4: Apply a Theme:

An account that appeals to white in its background is an account that may not be very successful. There are different types of photography and video that go better with color in the background, so we can analyze which colors predominate in our collection of photos and choose a soft color that contrasts them.

Is that the color usually “bind” altogether and give us a much more friendly perspective. For example, the Comprasya signature uses a baby blue color as the palette of its Instagram account, which helps to link all the content and at the same time contrast with the photos of the dishes.

Tip 5: Identify The Audience:

Another point that highlights the importance of having statistics on our account and followers at hand. In Instagram insights of official accounts (we recommend opening it in that way since personal accounts do not have it), we can differentiate age ranges, provenance and even active schedules of our followers, indispensable.

Tip 6: Polish Photographs:

While you think that to be successful on Instagram you have to be a photographer, nothing is further from reality. It is a matter of knowing our camera, its capabilities and above all to learn some basic aspects of photography and it will be enough. The frames should be as clean as possible, without wires, pieces of trees or other things that do not add up.

Tip 7: Live:

Many people do not pay attention, but live broadcasts of some events are a very good way to get the attention of followers. For example, we are close to a massive event, we approach, we look for the best framing and we begin to transmit. You have to learn to handle the phone so as not to tremble and try to make the transmission as dynamic as possible, chatting with one of the participants or just recounting what we are seeing.

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